The faculty members of the Department have started research work in various fields. The area of research includes Natural Product Chemistry, Organic synthesis, Organometallic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Material science and nanotechnology. Besides, the faculty members of the Department are engaged in the following project works:
Sponsored Research Projects:
Sl. No.
| Title of the Project
| Period
| Funding Agency
| Amount (in lacs)
| Coordinators
01 | Synthesis, Characterization--------amino acid and benzoic acid related systems
| 2010-2013 | DST | 19.06 | Dr. K. S Singh
02 | Modernisation of Laboratories Under Chemistry Department
| 2010-2011 | AICTE (MODROBS)
| 7.55 | Dr. Saroj Kr. Das
03 | Development of carbon nanomaterials from starch materials
| 2011-2014 | AICTE (RPS)
| 18.20 | Dr. Mitali Saha
04 | Development of Nano structured material composition for next generation solar cells
| 2012-2015 | CPRI | 25.00 | Dr. Mitali Saha
05 | Preparation of nanomaterials for Cholesterol biosensor
| 2012-2014 | AICTE (RPS)
| 19.40 | Dr. Mitali Saha
06 | Nucleophilic addition reaction of uracil ring for the synthesis of bio-active compounds.
| 2012-2014 | AICTE (RPS)
| 16.00 | Dr. Subrata Das
07 | Design of efficient method for the synthesis of RNA nucelobases.
| 2013 | DBT | 62.59 | Dr. Subrata Das
08 | Nitroso-Diels-Alder (NDA) reaction for the synthesis of some Heterocyclic compounds.
| 2013 | DST | 26 | Dr. Subrata Das