NIT Agartala

Faculty/Staff Profile

Dr. Smita Das

Assistant Professor

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Date of Joining : 31/03/2006

Email ID :


Research Area : Energy-Efficient Security Protocols, VANET Security, ML/DL based medical image analysis, Trust Architectures in IoT Healthcare, Secure Localization and Positioning.

UG Courses

Introduction to Graph Theory, Computer Networks, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Programming, Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Introduction to Programming

PG Courses

Advanced Computer Networks, Wireless Network Security, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Graph Theory and Combinatorics

Student Register For PhD Enrolled OnGoing

1. Jhalak Dutta (Path Planning in WSN), 2. Purba Pal (IoT Healthcare) 3. Kavita Sinha

Address Room No. 233, APJ Abdul Kalam Block, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, National Institute of Technology Agartala, Tripura (W).
Country India
Email Address
Phone [Residence] -
Phone [Mobile] 9774715007
Degree/Diploma Description Year Subject
Ph. D.  ( Philosophy of Doctorate ) Broad Area: Wireless Sensor Networks 2022 Computer Science & Engineering
M.TECH  ( MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY ) CGPA - 8.68 2012 Computer Science & Engineering
B. TECH.  ( BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY ) 1st class with distinction (77.2%) 2005 Computer Science & Engineering
H.S.C.  ( Higher Secondary School Certificate ) TBSE - 81.3% (1st Division) 2001 Science
S.S.C.  ( Secondary School Certificate ) TBSE - 85.6% (1st Division) 1999 Science
Sr. No. Publication Conference Month Year
Bhowmik, P & Das, S. "Cheating detection in online exam: A comparative survey", 8th International conference on information and communication technology (ICTCS - 2023), Jaipur, India. [accepted] 2023
Pal, P, Debbarma, M.K. & Das, S. "Unveiling energy depletion attacks in wireless sensor networks and its defensive mechanisms", International Conference on Data Engineering and Machine Intelligence (ICDEMI 2023), Bengaluru, India. [accepted] 2023
Arsh, A., Kar, N., Das, S. & Deb, S., "Multiple Approaches towards Authentication using Keystroke Dynamics", International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE 2023) [accepted] 2023
Singh, A., & Das, S. "A Cheating Detection System in Online Examinations Based on the Analysis of Eye-Gaze and Head-Pose", International Conference on Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems, THEETAS 2022, 16-17 April 2022, Jabalpur, India (p. 55). JUN 2022
Debnath, A., & Das, S. "Identification of Image Forgery based on various Corner Detection methods", IEEE World Conference on Applied Intelligence and Computing (AIC) (pp. 314-319). IEEE. JUN 2022
Chakraverty, S. & Das, S. "YUVA (Your User-Authenticated Virtual Assistant): A Voice Recognition And Authentication Based Virtual Assistant For Daily Business Tasks On A PC", 7th International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing & Communication Systems(MCCS-2022) [accepted] 2022
Das, S., & Debbarma, M. K. "A comparative study on coverage-hole detection improvement with inner empty circle over delaunay triangulation method in wireless sensor networks", Communication Software and Networks: Proceedings of INDIA 2019 (pp. 553-561). Springer Singapore. APRIL 2020
Das, S., & DebBarma, M. K. "Hole detection in wireless sensor network: A review", Recent Findings in Intelligent Computing Techniques: Proceedings of the 5th ICACNI 2017, Volume 2, 87-96. NOV 2018
Das, S., & Debbarma, M. K. "A survey on coverage problems in wireless sensor network based on monitored region", Advances in Data and Information Sciences: Proceedings of ICDIS 2017, Volume 2 (pp. 349-359). Springer Singapore. JUN 2018
Rudrapal, D., Das, S., & Debbarma, S. "Improvisation of biometrics authentication and identification through keystrokes pattern analysis", Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 10th International Conference, ICDCIT 2014, Bhubaneswar, India, February 6-9, 2014. Proceedings 10 (pp. 287-292). Springer International Publishing. FEB 2014
Rudrapal, D., & Das, S. "Analysis and evaluation of keystroke duration of user’s typing as a distinctive measure of recognition", Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 2012 (ICSIP 2012) Volume 1 (pp. 375-385). Springer India. AUG 2013
Das, S., & Rudrapal, D. "Analysis of color moment as a low level feature in improvement of content based image retrieval", Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 2012 (ICSIP 2012) Volume 1 (pp. 387-397). Springer India. AUG 2013
Sarkar, R., Das, S., & Roy, S. " SPARSHA: A low cost refreshable braille for deaf-blind people for communication with deaf-blind and non-disabled persons", Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 9th International Conference, ICDCIT 2013, Bhubaneswar, India, February 5-8, 2013. Proceedings 9 (pp. 465-475). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. FEB 2013
Rudrapal, D., Das, S., Debbarma, N., & Debbarma, S. "Internal attacker detection by analyzing user keystroke credential", Lecture Notes on Software Engineering, 1(1), 49. FEB 2013
Sarkar, R., Das, S., & Rudrapal, D. "A low cost microelectromechanical Braille for blind people to communicate with blind or deaf blind people through SMS subsystem", 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC) (pp. 1529-1532). IEEE. FEB 2013
Yadav, S., Das, S., & Rudrapal, D. "A system to filter unsolicited texts from social learning networks", Fourth International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. APRIL 2013
Das, S., Rudrapal, D., Debbarma, S., Kar, N., & Debbarma, M. K. "Implementation of Gesture in scheming Mouse Events for camera and projector based Virtual Touch Screen", INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY (ICECT 2012) APRIL 2012
Rudrapal, D., Das, S., Saha, A., Kumari, L., & Debbarma, N. (2012). "A Study And Analysis Of Keystroke Dynamics And Its Enhancement For Proficient User Authentication", INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY (ICECT 2012). APRIL 2012
Das, S., Rudrapal, D., Sarkar, R. "An Efficient Method For Content Based Image Retrieval Using Color Moment And Texture Descriptor", Springer International Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Technology, 2012 (ICCCIT-2012). JUN 2012
Rudrapal, D., Das, S., & Saha, A. "Analysis of user keystroke dynamics and its application for preventing automated form filling programmes" , International Conference on Computing Communication and Information Technology (Vol. 27, p. 176), 2012. JUN 2012
Das, S., Rudrapal, D., & Kar, N. "Security Enhancement of Steganography and Preserving Low Visual Distortion of Image by Modifying Data Embedding Techniques", International Conference on emerging trends in electrical, communication and information technologies (ICECIT 2012). DEC 2012
Sr. No. Publication Journal Month Year
DAS, S. (2023). A Comparative Study of Various Coverage-Hole Patching Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks. Adhoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, 57.[SCIE] JUN 2023
Sharma, H., & Das, S. (2023). A brief study of generative adversarial networks and their applications in image synthesis. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-31. [SCIE] JULY 2023
Das, S., & Debbarma, M. K. (2022). A Coverage-Hole Boundary Detection Approach Based on Tree-Traversal in Wireless Sensor Networks. Adhoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, 52.[SCIE] MAY 2022
Das, S., & Debbarma, M. K. (2020). CHPT: an improved coverage-hole patching technique based on tree-center in wireless sensor networks. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-12.[SCIE] MAY 2020
Das, S., & Debbarma, M. K. (2020). A review on coverage-hole boundary detection algorithms in wireless sensor networks. Computación y Sistemas, 24(1), 121-140. [SCUPUS] MAR 2020
Das, S., & Kanti DebBarma, M. (2019). Node position estimation for efficient coverage hole-detection in wireless sensor network. Computación y Sistemas, 23(1), 185-195. [SCOPUS] MAR 2019
Das, S., & Kanti DebBarma, M. (2018). Computational geometry based coverage hole-detection and hole-area estimation in wireless sensor network. Journal of High Speed Networks, 24(4), 281-296. [SCOPUS] JAN 2018
Jamatia, R., & Das, S. (2018). "Rwngmari: An Android Based Learning App for Kokborok Language", International Journal of Computational Intelligence & IoT, 1(1). APRIL 2018
Sarkar, R., & Das, S. (2012). Analysis of different braille devices for implementing a cost-effective and portable braille system for the visually impaired people. International Journal of Computer Applications, 60(9). JAN 2012
Rudrapal, D., Das, S., Debbarma, S., Kar, N., & Debbarma, N. (2012). Voice recognition and authentication as a proficient biometric tool and its application in online exam for PH people. International Journal of Computer Applications, 39(12), 6-12. FEB 2012
Das, S., Rudrapal, D., Jamatia, A., & Kumari, L. (2011). Preprocessing and Screen-Cursor Mapping for a Virtual TouchScreen on a Projected Area. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 3(6), 2420-2429. JUN 2011
No. Patent Information Year
Title: IoT based wearable device for monitoring of vital information, Ref. No. : 382360-001, Awarded date: 27/03/2023 2023
Sr.No. Class Subject
1 UG Courses Computer Networks, Introduction to Graph Theory, Object Oriented Programming, Introduction to Programming, Software Engineering
2 PG Courses Advanced Computer Networks, Wireless Network Security, Algorithms