NIT Agartala

Faculty/Staff Profile

Dr. Dipak Chandra Das

Assistant Professor

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Email ID :


Research Area : Multiphase Flow, Transport Phenomena, Heat and Mass Transfer, Boiling Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics

UG Courses

Basic Engineering Thermodynamics(UG), Engineering Mecanics(UG), Applied Thermodynamics(UG), Refrigeration & Air-conditioning(UG), Boundary Layer Theory(UG), Heat and Mass Transfer Lab.(UG), Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Lab.(UG)

PG Courses

Viscous Fluid Mechanics(PG), Two-phase Flow & Heat Transfer(PG), Two-phase Flow & Heat Transfer Lab.(PG)

Student Register For PhD Enrolled OnGoing

Amit Kumar (Submitted)

Address Room - 142, Ground Floor, Below HOD ME Chamber, Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT Agartala, Jirania, Tripura - 799046. Permanent - Village - Joy Chand Pur, PO - Kashari, Belonia, South Tripura, Tripura -799150.
Country India
Email Address
Phone [Residence] -
Phone [Mobile] 8787504919
Degree/Diploma Description Year Subject
Ph. D.  ( Philosophy of Doctorate ) Jadavpur University 2017 Engineering
M.E.  ( Master of Engineering ) Jadavpur University 2010 Heat Power (MechanicalEngineering)
B. TECH.  ( BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY ) NIT Agartala 2008 MechanicalEngineering
H.S.C.  ( Higher Secondary School Certificate ) Belonia Vidyapith Class XII School, TBSE, Tripura 2003 Science
S.S.C.  ( Secondary School Certificate ) Barpathari Class XII School, TBSE, Tripura 2001 General
Sr. No. Publication Conference Month Year
Amit Kumar, Dipak Chandra Das, Pritam Das, ‘Film Condensation in a Vertical Tube with Pure Steam: A Numerical Investigation’, Progressive Research in Industrial & Mechanical Engineering (PRIME - 2021), 5th -7th August 2021, paper no. 330. 2021
Dipak Chandra Das, Sayantan Das, Koushik Ghosh and Dipankar Sanyal, ‘Entropy generation on a vertical flat plate under mixed convection film boiling’ 23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, IHMTC2015-7201, 17-20 December, 2015, Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram, India. 2015
Dipak Chandra Das, Koushik Ghosh and Dipankar Sanyal, 'Study of natural and mixed convection film boiling: comparison of various instability models', 22thNational and 11th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, HMTC1300421, IIT Kharagpur, India, December 28-31, 2013. 2013
Dipak Chandra Das, Koushik Ghosh and Dipankar Sanyal, 'Numerical investigation of mixed convection film boiling for a flat plate by an integral method', Workshop on Phase-change Thermal Systems, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur(UP), India, March 19-20, 2012. 2012
Dipak Chandra Das, Koushik Ghosh, Dipankar Sanyal, 'Numerical investigation of natural convection film boiling for a flat plate by an integral method', 21st National & 10TH ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, December 27-30, 2011, IIT Madras, India, ISHMT_IND_16_018, p.p. 1470-1475. 2011
Sr. No. Publication Journal Month Year
Amit Kumar, Dipak Chandra Das & Pritam Das, "Parametric variation studies of experimental flow boiling heat transfer phenomena using R407c inside an enhanced tube", Heat and Mass Transfer (2023), (SCI) 2023
Neeraj Kumar Vidhyarthi, Sandipan Deb, Sameer Sheshrao Gajghate, Sagnik Pal, Dipak Chandra Das, Ajoy Kumar Das, Bidyut Baran Saha, “A comprehensive assessment of two-phase flow boiling heat transfer in micro-fin tubes using pure and blended eco-friendly refrigerants”, Energies, 16 (2023) 1951. (SCIE) 2023
Sandipan Deb, Kanade Paresh Mahesh, Mantu Das, Dipak Chandra Das, Sagnik Pal, Ranjan Das, Ajoy Kumar Das, "Flow boiling heat transfer characteristics over horizontal smooth and microfin tubes: An empirical investigation utilizing R407c", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 188 (2023) 108239. (SCIE) 2023
SANDIPAN DEB, Mantu Das, Dipak Chandra Das, SAGNIK PAL, Ranjan Das, Ajoy Kumar Das, "Evaluation of flow boiling heat transfer in horizontal circular trapezoidal-shaped microfin tube", Heat and Mass Transfer (2023) (SCI) 2023
Amit Kumar, Sandipan Deb, Dipak Chandra Das, Pritam Das, "Comparative experimental studies of flow boiling heat transfer phenomena in smooth and enhanced tubes using R407C", Heat and Mass Transfer (2023), (SCI) 2023
Chirojyoti Chakma, Amit Kumar, Dipak Chandra Das, Pritam Das, “Simulation of temperature management inside rubber smokehouses of perspex, steel, and ash-brick materials”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 62 (2022) 2975-2980. (Scopus) 2022
Amit Kumar, Dipak Chandra Das, Pritam Das, “Significance of surface morphology of materials on flow boiling heat transfer using R-407c”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 62 (2022) 3122-3128. (Scopus) 2022
Sandipan Deb, Mantu Das, Dipak Chandra Das, Sagnik Pal, Ajoy Kumar Das, Ranjan Das, “Significance of surface modification on nucleate pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of refrigerant R-141b”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 170 (2021) 120994. (SCIE) 2021
Dipak Chandra Das, Koushik Ghosh and Dipankar Sanyal, “Scale analysis for water jet impingement over a horizontal flat plate under film boiling configuration”, Heat and Mass Transfer, 57 (2021) 1211–1221. (SCI/SCIE) 2021
Sandipan Deb, Mantu Das, Dipak Chandra Das, Sagnik Pal, Ajoy Kumar Das, Ranjan Das, “Surface wettability change on TF nanocoated surfaces during pool boiling heat transfer of refrigerant R-141b”, Heat and Mass Transfer, 56 (2020) 3273–3287. (SCI/SCIE) 2020
Dipak Chandra Das, Koushik Ghosh and Dipankar Sanyal, “Forced convection film boiling heat transfer model for a sphere by scaling analysis”, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 40 (2018) (293) 1-9. (SCIE) 2018
Dipak Chandra Das, Koushik Ghosh and Dipankar Sanyal, “A Scale Analysis Model for Film Boiling Heat Transfer on a Vertical Flat Plate with Wide Applicability”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 90 (2015) 40–48. (SCIE) 2015
Dipak Chandra Das, Koushik Ghosh, Dipankar Sanyal and Renaud Meignen, “A Novel Approach for Modeling Mixed Convection Film Boiling for a Vertical Flat Plate”, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 66 (2014) 1112–1130. (SCI) 2014
No. Book Published Year
Amit Kumar, Dipak Chandra Das, Pritam Das, ‘Film Condensation in a Vertical Tube with Pure Steam: A Numerical Investigation’, Challenges and Opportunities in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering: A Progressive Research Outlook, Proceedings of the International Conference on Progressive Research in Industrial & Mechanical Engineering (PRIME 2021), August 05-07, 2021, Patna, India,, eBook ISBN: 9781032713229, 2024
Dipak Chandra Das, Kumar Gourav, Pritam Das, ‘Thermal Management of a Cubical Building using Hydrated Salt 24’, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Select Proceedings of ICTEMA2022, Part of ISBN: 978-81-952903-6-9. 2022
K. Mohana Rao, Amit Kumar, Dipak Chandra Das, Pritam Das, ‘Simulation of microchannel heat exchangers with triangular and circular cavities’, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Select Proceedings of ICTEMA2022, Part of ISBN: 978-81-952903-6-9. 2022
Dipak Chandra Das, Tabrez Alam, Amit Kumar, Pritam Das, ‘Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer of a Thermosyphon varying the Filling Ratios’, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Select Proceedings of ICTEMA2022, Part of ISBN: 978-81-952903-6-9. 2022
Dipak Chandra Das, Koushik Ghosh and Dipankar Sanyal, (2019), “A Comprehensive Parametric Modelling for Mixed Convection Film Boiling Analysis on a Vertical Flat Plate”, Two-Phase Flow for Automotive and Power Generation Sectors. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. Springer, Singapore. 363-380. Print ISBN978-981-13-3255-5, Online ISBN978-981-13-3256-2 2019
Dipak Chandra Das, Koushik Ghosh and Dipankar Sanyal, (2011) 'An experimental investigation of boiling over curved metal body electrically heated from inside', General Studies Of Nuclear Reactors (S22), International Nuclear Information System, Reference number 42095247 , 42 (1), INIS Issue 43(1). 2011
No. Patent Information Year
Project (Govt.) entitiled “Introduction to redesigned Bamboo Slicing Machine and Homestead Round Stick-making Machine for Sustainable Agarbatti Production in Micro and small enterprises” is sanctioned. 2024
CSIR Senior Research Fellow (April 2012 - July 2015) 2012
GATE 2007 (Mechanical Engineering) 2007
Month Year Training Conductted Information
JULY 2023 “Optimization in Engineering Design and Applications”, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Agartala, July 31 - August 06, 2023.
JUN 2019 'Computational Techniques in Heating and Cooling Systems', Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Agartala, June 03-07, 2019.
NOV 2019 'Optimization Techniques in Multidisciplinary Research', Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Agartala, November 25-29, 2019.
MAR 2016 'Basic Psychrometry & Fan and Blower', Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Agartala and ISHRAE Kolkata, NIT Agartala, March 10, 2016.
Sr.No. Class Subject
1 UG Basic Engineering Thermodynamics(UG), Engineering Mecanics(UG), Applied Thermodynamics(UG), Refrigeration & Air-conditioning(UG), Boundary Layer Theory(UG), Heat and Mass Transfer Lab.(UG), Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Lab.(UG)
2 PG Viscous Fluid Mechanics(PG), Two-phase Flow & Heat Transfer(PG), Two-phase Flow & Heat Transfer Lab.(PG)