NIT Agartala

Faculty/Staff Profile

Dr. Prakash Kumar Sahu

Assistant Professor

Department: Production Engineering

Date of Joining : 05/09/2022

Email ID :


Research Area : Friction Stir Additive Manufacturing, FSW/FSP, Alloy and Composites Development, Tribology, Metal Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing, Material processing and Characterization, Metallurgy.

UG Courses

Additive Manufacturing Basic Manufacturing Processes Industrial Automation

PG Courses

Non-Conventional Manufacturing

Address Department of Production Engineering, NIT Agartala
Country India
Email Address
Phone [Residence] -
Phone [Mobile] 9435391495
Degree/Diploma Description Year Subject
Ph. D.  ( Philosophy of Doctorate ) Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati 2017 Manufacturing Engineering (Mechanical Department)
M.E.  ( Master of Engineering ) IIEST Shibpur 2011 Production Engineering (Mechanical Department)
B. TECH.  ( BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY ) VSSUT (UCE) Burla, Odisha 2009 Manufacturing Engineering
Sr. No. Publication Conference Month Year
Prakash Kumar Sahu and Sukhomay Pal, Fatigue life behaviour of single and double pass friction stir welded dissimilar thickness AA1050 joint, AIMTDR, College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India. 16 Dec 2016. DEC 2016
Prakash Kumar Sahu and Sukhomay Pal, Optimization of process parameters on influencing mechanical properties of friction stir welded AM20 magnesium alloy, IIW-IC-2014, 9-11 April 2014, New Delhi, pp 718-723. APRIL 2014
Prakash Kumar Sahu and Sukhomay Pal, Effect of shoulder diameter and plunging depth on mechanical properties and the thermal history of friction stir welded magnesium alloy. AIMTDR, IIT Guwahati, pp. 12 Dec 2014. DEC 2014
Prakash Kumar Sahu, Vivek Kumar and Sukhomay Pal, Influence of process parameters on the Micro-Hardness and Macro/Micro-Structural analysis of FSW Dissimilar Al/Cu Metals, ICMMSA-NIT Allahabad, 22 Dec 2014. DEC 2014
Prakash Kumar Sahu and Sukhomay Pal, Parametric influence on the micro-hardness of the friction stir welded AM20 magnesium alloy, International Conference COPEN-8, December 13 to 15, 2013, NIT Calicut, Kerla, India, pp 486-491. DEC 2013
Sr. No. Publication Journal Month Year
Jayashree Das, P. Sreedharan Robi and Prakash Kumar Sahu*, Influence of process parameters on mechanical and microstructural properties of friction stir welded AA5052, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, (Taylor and Francis), 2022, ISSN No. 2374-0698. 2022
Prakash Kumar Sahu, Jayashree Das, Gaoqiang Chen, Qu Liu, Sukhomay Pal, Shenbo Zeng and Qingyu Shi, Friction Stir Selective Alloying of Different Al% Particulate Reinforced to AZ31 Mg for Enhanced Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties, Material Science and Engineering A(Elsevier), vol. 774, 138889, January 2020. SCI, IF:6.044, (ISSN No.0921-5093), j.msea.2019.138889. JAN 2020
Prakash K Sahu, Sudesh Singh, Gaoqiang Chen, Liu Yijun, Shuai Zhang, Qingyu Shi, Wear Behavior of the Friction Stir Alloyed AZ31 Mg at Different Volume Fractions of Al Particles Reinforcement and its Enhanced Quality Attributes, Tribology International, (Elsevier), vol. 146, 106268, July 2020. SCI, IF:5.62, (ISSN No. 0301-679X), 106268. JULY 2020
Prakash Kumar Sahu, Sukhomay Pal, Bipul Das, and Qingyu Shi, Fabrication and Effect of Mg-Zn Solid Solution via Zn Foil Interlayer Alloying in FSW Process of Magnesium Alloy, Journal of Archives in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, (Springer), Vol. 20, pp 137, October 2020, SCI, IF:4.369. 43452-020-00141-y, ISSN No.1644-9665. OCT 2020
Shenbo Zeng, Gaoqiang Chen, Isaac Dinaharan, Qu Liu, Shuai Zhang, Prakash Kumar Sahu, Jianjun Wu, Gong Zhang & Qingyu Shi, Microstructure and Tensile Strength of AA6082 T-joints by Corner Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welding: Effect of Tool Rotation Speed, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Springer, Vol. 29, pages7094–7103(2020) SCI, IF: 2.036., ISSN No.1059-9495. 2020
Prakash Kumar Sahu, Nikhil P Vasudevan, Bipul Das and Sukhomay Pal. Assessment of Self-Reacting Bobbin Tool Friction Stir Welding For Joining AZ31 Magnesium Alloy at Inert Gas Environment. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, (Elsevier), vol.7, pp. 661-671, December 2019. SCI, IF:11.813. (ISSN No. 2213-9567, DEC 2019
Prakash Kumar Sahu, Sukhomay Pal and Qingyu Shi. Effect of Solid Solution Phase Constitution on Dissimilar Al/Cu FSW Using Zn as an Alloying Element at the Joint Interface, SN Applied Sciences, (Springer Nature), vol. 1:1659, Nov 2019. (ISSN No. 2523-3971, DOI: 10.1007/s42452-019-1708-5). NOV 2019
Prakash Kumar Sahu and Sukhomay Pal, Effect of FSW Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AM20 welds, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, (Taylor and Francis) vol. 33 (3), pp. 288-298, January 2018. SCI, IF:4.616 (ISSN No. 1042-6914, 2017.1279295) JAN 2018
Prakash Kumar Sahu and Sukhomay Pal, Influence of Metallic Foil Alloying by FSW Process on Mechanical Properties and Metallurgical Characterization of AM20 Mg Alloy, Material Science and Engineering A(Elsevier), vol. 684, pp. 442-455, January 2017. SCI, IF:6.044, (ISSN No.0921-5093, j.msea.2016.12. 081 JAN 2017
Prakash Kumar Sahu and Sukhomay Pal, Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Thickness Aluminium Alloy weld by Single/Double Pass FSW, Journal of Material Processing Technology, (Elsevier), vol. 243, pp. 442-455, January 2017. SCI, IF:6.162 (ISSN No.09240136,http:// 2017.01. 009) JAN 2017
Prakash Kumar Sahu, Sukhomay Pal and Surjya K. Pal, Al/Cu Dissimilar FSW with Ni, Ti and Zn Foil as Interlayer for Flow Control, Enhancing Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, (Springer), vol. 48A, pp. 3300-3317, May 2017. SCI, IF:2.726. (ISSN No. 1073-5623, DOI: 10.1007/s11661-017-4093-y) MAY 2017
Prakash Kumar Sahu, Sukhomay Pal, Surjya K. Pal and Rahul Jain, In?uence of plate position, tool offset and tool rotational speed on mechanical properties and microstructures of dissimilar Al/Cu friction stir welding joints. Journal of Material Processing Technology (Elsevier), vol. 235, pp. 55-67, April 2016. SCI, IF:6.162. (ISSN No. 0924-0136, j.jmatprotec.2016.04.014) APRIL 2016
Prakash Kumar Sahu, Kanchan Kumari, Sukhomay Pal and Surjya K. Pal, Hybrid fuzzy-grey-Taguchi based multi weld quality optimization of Al/Cu dissimilar friction stir welded joints, Advances in Manufacturing (Springer), vol. 4(3), pp. 237-247, September 2016. SCI, IF:4.413 (ISSN No. 2195-3597, DOI 10.1007/s404386-016-0151-8) SEPT 2016
Prakash Kumar Sahu and Sukhomay Pal, Multi-response optimization of process parameters in friction stir welded AM20 magnesium alloy by Taguchi grey relational analysis. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys (Elsevier), vol. 3, pp. 36-46, January 2015. SCI, IF:11.813 (ISSN No. 2213-9567, j.jma. 2014. 12.002) JAN 2015
No. Conference Attended Information Month Year
AIMTDR, College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India. DEC 2016
IIW-IC-2014, New Delhi. APRIL 2014
AIMTDR, IIT Guwahati. DEC 2014
ICMMSA-NIT Allahabad. DEC 2014
International Conference COPEN-8, NIT Calicut, Kerla, India DEC 2013
No. Patent Information Year
Got fellowship to pursue Post-Doctoral work for 2 Years at Tsinghua University (QS Rank 15, THE Rank 10, Asia Rank 1) 2018
DST-SERB grant foreign travel to present research work at Manchester 2017
MHRD Provided fellowship to pursue Doctoral work at IIT Guwahati 2012
Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test (GATE) 2009
MHRD Provided fellowship to pursue M.E at IIEST Shibpur. 2009
Qualified Odisha JEE 2005
Month Training Attended Information Year
MAY Design &Manufacturing of a hand injection Mould” at CTTC Bhubaneswar, India 2009
MAY Reverse Engineering” at Birla Tyres, Balasore, India 2008
MAY Mobile Workshop” at I T R, Chandipur, Balasore, India 2007
Sr.No. Class Subject
1 UG Basic Manufacturing Process, Additive Manufacturing, Manufacturing Process and Design, Industrial Automation
2 M.Tech Non-Conventional Manufacturing Processes